About the Course

This is the first in a series of courses that will introduce participants to the astrology of the psyche. Developed and taught by Thea Wirsching, a practicing astrologer for almost 20 years, this series will cover the basic astrological building blocks with courses focused on the topics of planets, signs, houses, and aspects. It’s been said that it takes about a year to become conversant in the fundamental vocabulary of astrology, and this course will give you all the tools you need to start interpreting natal charts on your own.

Thea blends psychological astrology with karmic astrology in her practice, and understands the natal chart as one’s “cosmic homework assignment.” Each of us is provided with certain archetypal roles that we are driven to fulfill, and astrological analysis can assist you in making the most of your opportunities while approaching your limitations with understanding and forgiveness.  Thea’s astrological philosophy is based on the idea that character determines fate, and she believes that the response one makes to life’s challenges overrides astrology’s fatalism. In other words, every chart shows a positive and a negative potential, and every chart native has free will. 

But though Thea’s astrological style emphasizes self-understanding as opposed to prediction, she can also speak to the delicate work of being an oracle, and the uncanny truths that astrology can reveal. All levels of astrology student are welcome - even intermediate students can gain from Thea’s demonstrations of how the basic concepts are applied in practice. The true art of astrology is knowing how much weight to give to each individual factor in the chart, and watching an expert at work is an invaluable learning experience. 

About the Instructor

Thea Wirsching is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Tarot reader and intuitive, writer, scholar, and mom. She received her doctorate in literature from UCLA with a focus on America’s esoteric history, and much of that research went into her Tarot deck and book, the American Renaissance Tarot (2021). A former college instructor, Thea is a passionate teacher and has hosted a wide array of astrology classes and workshops. She has been a practicing astrologer for close to twenty years, and approaches the natal chart as an index to past-life inheritance and the evolution of the soul. In her free time, Thea enjoys pursuing ancestry work and learning about ancient Egypt.

Thea's website (where you can book readings) is http://theplutobabe.com